Palmetto coffee shop & roastery now open.  Free shipping on all orders over $35

Palmetto coffee shop & roastery now open.  Free shipping on all orders over $35

Palmetto coffee shop & roastery now open.
  Free shipping on all orders over $35

Bourbon Barrel Aged Coffee

Bourbon Distillery

Bourbon + Coffee = Succulent Goodness

Do you love Bourbon? Do you love coffee? If you answered yes to one or both of these questions, you must try Bradenton-based, Banyan Coffee Co’s latest and innovative coffee… At Banyan, we are always looking and reassessing the way we roast our fresh Bradenton coffee. For us, it’s so much more than just that a caffeine fix – it’s meant to be a fun AND enjoyable experience!

It’s easy to get into a rut of stopping by the coffee chain on your way to work or continuing to drink the same coffee at home every day. We believe in finding the BEST, single-origin coffee beans from around the world, roasted locally in Bradenton, Florida, and shipped directly to your door the same day it’s roasted… However, add in a Bourbon Barrel with the best coffee beans in the world, and what do you get? An unforgettable, morning blues changing, nose tickling, delicious start to your day! 

We know what you’re thinking… how in the world do these caffeine dealers ACTUALLY sling out coffee that tastes like bourbon??? It’s quite simple truthfully! Buckle up because we’re going to take you through the journey of a coffee bean tasting like the best bourbon you’ve ever tried!

1. Find a Barrel

It goes without saying, in order to roast bourbon barrel aged coffee, you’ll need a barrel… Banyan Coffee Co. went to depths high and low to find the best barrel to produce this delicious flavor of coffee. It’s best to find a barrel that’s already been used to age bourbon. However, if you can’t find an already saturated empty bourbon barrel, there’s still hope! Simply add bourbon to your new barrel and let soak for at least one week. That’s not to say it can’t soak longer! After you have your barrel, you’re one step closer to experiencing coffee in a way you never have before! You can do this same step with wine barrel aged coffee, rum barrel aged coffee and any kind of whiskey barrel age.

Barrels for Bradenton Coffee Bean Infusion

2. Coffee Time!

Equally as important as the barrel is the actual coffee going into the barrel. When we make Bradenton bourbon barrel aged coffee, our roasters use a Sumatran bean. At Banyan Coffee Co, not only do we believe that coffee should be an experience, but the origin of the bean will make or break the roasting process. We’re passionate about supporting small, local coffee farms all around the world. Name the continent and Banyan will source its beans from there! The location plays a huge role in the overall taste of your fresh, locally roasted Bradenton coffee. From elevation, climate, soil, and many other factors, we consider it all when importing our beans! What’s more important than that? Keeping the final brew SINGLE ORIGIN! Banyan Coffee Co. serves up and slings out only single origin coffee. This ensures the flavor profile of each distance coffee farm and their distinct characteristics, like Sumatra. This large Indonesian island is as distinct as this bourbon coffee with its rugged terrain, giant volcanoes, and tropical climate. You won’t find us blending different coffees together – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! That’s not to say we’re not open to finding innovative ways to improve a single origin coffee flavor, like infusing it with bourbon.

From Sumatra to Bradenton, only the freshest!

3. Infuse the Bradenton Coffee and Bourbon Barrel

Now it’s time to let the Sumatran coffee bean and bourbon barrel sit… Call it whatever you want, but for the sake of great coffee coming to life, we’ll say let it fall in love. This might be one of the most important steps and luckily it’s pretty easy to not get it wrong. There’s no way to beat the combination of a great coffee bean and bourbon barrel doing its thing.

Bourbon Barrel to Age Coffee

4. Infusion Process

The flavor from the bourbon will not begin to permeate throughout the barrel and coffee beans. These invisible vapors of divine goodness will need to sit for a little while. Just like the process of preparing your barrel, so does the beans need time to sit and soak in the bourbon. On average, you can put about 150lbs of fresh coffee beans from around the world to Bradenton, Florida into the bourbon barrel, which is about 1 bag of imported Sumatra beans. Surprisingly enough, before the coffee bean is roasted, it is able to soak up more fumes and flavor rather quickly. Also, as the beans sit in the barrel and absorb the flavor of bourbon, you can rotate the barrel every day or two to expose more of the coffee beans to the surface area of the bourbon barrel. Think about it like miniature sponges holding bourbon flavors that’ll soon be in your coffee cup!

Bourbon Aged Bradenton Coffee Beans

5. Empty the Barrel & Roast Bradenton Coffee Beans

Ok… at this point, you’ve got the barrel, soaked it with bourbon, put your beans in it, let it sit for awhile, and now it’s time to empty the Bradenton coffee beans out of it. Before emptying the barrel, we suggest letting the beans sit in the barrel for 5 to 10 days. After it sits and rotates it a few times, they’re now ready to meet their fate in the roaster, the only logical next step for the life of a bourbon bean from Bradenton, Florida!

Roasted Bradenton Bourbon Barrel Aged Coffee

6. Order the Bourbon Coffee from Banyan

On February 21st, the first coffee roasters in Bradenton, Florida will have bourbon coffee in stock and ready to be shipped to you! If you’re in the Bradenton/Sarasota, FL area, Banyan Coffee Co. will waive the delivery fees if your order is over $25.00 because we are certain you will LOVE this coffee!

Bradenton Bourbon Barrel Coffee

7. Drink it!

After you receive your NEW Bradenton Bourbon Barrel coffee at your doorstep, now it is time to craft it to your style. We’ve put a list of techniques together that anyone can easily do to brew coffee at home by creating an experience in the morning. Skip the line at the coffee shop, save money by investing in flavorful coffee that is more cost effective, and enjoy a new morning ritual at home! You can also stop by the Bradenton Farmer’s Market every Saturday morning and try it in person before buying. We’d love to see you there and answer any questions you may have!

Banyan Coffee Co.’s Coffee Cart

You will be surprised by how low the acidity of this Bradenton Bourbon Barrel Coffee is while packing a punch of flavor and strength! Try it today!