Finca Terrerito is a 5th generation specialty coffee farm located in Copan, Honduras. They source from their own farms and neighboring farms to ensure the highest quality green bean, directly from our farms to your cup! The coffee is processed using clean well water from 400 ft in the ground and stored in parchment form until exported. This is direct trade coffee and USA Service Disabled Veteran Owned.
▸ 1400 MASL
Recommend Brewing: Chemex, Cold Brew, Drip
Acidity: Above Average
Body: Above Average
Sweetness: High
In the year 2000, 62 Honduran coffee farmers joined together with a common goal to transform their farms from conventional to organic production and formed COMSA (Cafe Organico Marcala, S.A). In 2001, fostered by a foundation called Funder, COMSA earned their organic certification from Bio Latina which has enabled them to market their coffee to more international buyers and realize better selling prices for their coffee. In February 2006, COMSA then applied for and was granted Fair Trade certification status. COMSA uses the Fair Trade price premium to fund many social projects including paying teachers’ salaries and purchasing school supplies. The premium also finances the construction of kitchens in the schools in support of the Merienda Escolar program that provides meals for school children. Royal Coffee New York is proud to support COMSA by purchasing their excellent quality, organic and Fair Trade certified coffee.
Jay fortney –
Good stuff.